Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Catch Up...Again

Again we missed a couple of days. Monday-Monday was awesome! Cedar Point is really fun. There is one ride-Top Thrill Dragster that is fastest and tallest in the world. Its top speed is 120 m.p.h. and is aproximatley 250 feet tall. A really fun ride is Iron Dragon. The cars hang from the rail and you sit in the cars. Kassie and Nathan were very excited about the day. We all had a very fun time. Tuesday- We drove a lot tuesday and visited a church history site. It was the Jhon Jhoson home and we also visited Niagra Falls. We took a boat called Maid Of The Mist. It was also very fun and wet. Wednesday-Saw Joseph Smiths house, sacred grove, Hariss farm and Withmer home. Again it was fun.
Posted By Aaron Jenson

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Today was very fun, with a few surprises in the middle. We went to the kirtland lemple, then to the LDS church's visitor center. I thought that our churches tour was much more interesting then the community of christ's tour. I thought I would die on the way to sanduskey OH
When I began hearing thunder, I decided to watch the summer storm out of the van's window.
I had seen about 2 bolts of lightning, never like before. As i was looking up into the sky, i saw, Almost slow motion, a bolt of lightning coming right towards me. I saw it , dodge out of the path of the van, and hit the ground about a foot from where i was situated. I jumped back, and heard the thunder at the same time as the flash. It was the most scary expierience i have ever had. From then till the storm was over, i was paranoid of lights flashing. I am really exited to go to tommorow's activites and to have a day of fun. We have logged about 600 miles so far, and are continuing to get more each day.
Written By Nathan


Let's see - we missed a few days. Friday - we went and rented a mammoth van to carry us around the rest of the trip. Thrifty out at Dulles was way cheaper for a 12-passenger van than anywhere else. It was a pain, but it saved us a few bucks. The people in DC don't seem to know how to operate their vehicle turn signals. Seattle area folks are really good about this, and polite, probably to a fault. The other day someone going straight stopped for me when I was taking a left turn. I wasn't even in his lane.

So, we took off from DC and headed for Gettysburg Pennsylvania. We bought a narrated CD at the national parks visitors center. It lasted a couple of hours, and we drove all around the battlefield. It is beautiful terrain, but tragic consequences for so many participants. It seems an awful price to pay for proving who is more mighty than the other side. There was courage beyond what I comprehend on both sides. Many lessons of following with exactness, but times of resourcefulness and spontaniety. You could spend a lot of time exploring here and learning of the stories of these people.

we spent the night in Mechanicsburg PA.

Saturday: Hersheys factory first thing. You can get turbo-sized versions of lots of your favorite chocolate items. Pretty crazy stuff. It's so hot out, that if you leave stuff in the car, it melts immediately. 5-pound Hershey bars seem a little bit excessive.

We then proceeded to State College PA, where Pennsylvania state University is. Grandpa Jenson got a PhD there many years ago. As Grandma is with us, we thought it would be fun to drag through the old places. The places they lived were both remarkably intact. One area is now a historic district. They were right across the street from the on-campus dorms. A pretty good place to live. That city is kind of dominated by the massive Penn state football stadium. Grandma took a class from Coach Paterno's wife when she was there. That was a long while ago!

We drove on to Mentor Ohio. The drive was pretty. There are some mountains, contrary to my understanding of the area. It was beautiful going up the Susquehanna river valley in PA. Nice and green, trees all over.

Sunday: Kassie covered this one.


hooray!tommorow's our big day!!!tommorow we are going to Cedar point.Today it is Sunday,June 27th, we went to church.we also went on a tour of Kirtland temple.we also went on a tour and saw N.K Whitney store and josheph smiths house and the saw was fun.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

The fun begins

Today we ran around Washington DC. We went to the Library of Congress. It's a really cool building, with a lot of incredible stuff in it. Thomas Jeffersons book collection is just amazing. He was a well-rounded reader or book collector, or something. We then went to the Washington Monument, which Annika had always felt bad that she didn't get to do the last time she was in DC. The view was great, although DC was HOT. We went to the American history museum of the Smithsonian, while the older kids went to the Holocaust museum. They saw information on the Nazi propoganda machine. It seems incredible that the people could be convinced to do the things that they did.

We went up the Old Post Office, into the tower. The view is almost as good as the Washington monument, but it is a lot easier to get into. We saw a good presentation at the Ford Theater, where president Lincoln was shot. It was very interesting. There's lots better presidential security now days. We saw a big motorcade buzz by. Maybe it was the Russian president, maybe someone else. Definitely tighter security than Lincoln had at Fords theater. What a tragic end to a the work of a great man.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In the begining

So today we set out at 5 in morning to make it to the airport in time. The first flight went fine, all three and a half hours of it. We flew into Detroit, the second plane was late and then it took forever to get going. As we were lifting off, the plane was squeeking and rattling, it sounded like it could be an interesting ride. Thankfully it was fine but once we pulled into BWI(baltimore) there was no space for the airplane to park. The trip was one hour seven minutes with a half hour that we sat and waited for a parking spot. We barly caught the train that would take us to Union station. Once we got to D.C. it was burning hot, unlike our nice cool Washington. We made it to the hotel at 9:30 and went swimming, it was nice to cool off after our long, hot day of travel.